Swagger of the Month!July 2009
Name: Latisha Bell Shortly after turning 31, Latisha had a tumour diagnosis - and within two weeks underwent a major surgery which left her in recovery for nearly four months. With the help of her mother and family members, she was able to recover - and suddenly realised that so-called job security was not so secure at all. She figured it was now the time to go and pursue her purpose - and follow her destiny. During her recovery, Latisha hired a life coach, immediately enrolled in Real Estate school as an agent and began to shatter limiting beliefs and thought patterns - and so ploughed herself head first into the real estate industry – at the “worst possible” time. After reading many motivational books, listening to conference calls, becoming a daily reader of Personal Development Planet and other sites, and working with her life coach, Latisha has now created five streams of income and – like me - chooses not to participate in the economy. In a matter of months, she went from a hospital bed at St. Joseph's, with an uncertain financial future - to creating five streams of income, during a so-called “recession”. Latisha is now a Licensed Real Estate Agent, Property Manager & Investor in Atlanta , GA USA, and is doing what she was born to do. For all of this, Latisha is the worthy recipient of Swagger of the Month! She is a wonderful lady – and if you’re looking for a house in A-Town, be sure to check out
her site now. What was life like before? Before, I worked in corporate jobs, unable to break through the glass ceiling. I was bored with the day to day operations and office politics. My finances were limited, and I only got paid every two weeks from one job. My state of mind was like a trapped bird in a cage. I knew I had wings to fly, but I just couldn't get out. When did you start focussing on personal development? After searching through search engines and looking for more personal development to enhance and reinforce what I was getting, I came across your site. The old saying, when the student is ready, the teacher shows up. I was ready. I was tired of not getting results and being in the back of the line. What specific strategies you have tried out? I mediate daily now morning and night. I listen to NLP daily without fail. I set goals, have measureable results and I talk positive to myself. I have learned more about the law of attraction - and it works! Before, I was getting dead end jobs, relationships, opportunities, you name it. But when I started putting all these forces together, along with developing a daily reading program on success, finances, real estate, personal development, etc., things began to change. Once I changed my beliefs from “I must work a dead in job to live”, I became a new person and I now experience bliss in all areas of my life. Wow! They are amazing results! What challenges have you overcome? When I started with personal development it was a rough process. I was looking for immediate results!!! But within a matter of days, I started to see changes in me and in my situations. I began to rise above my emotions and seek out the leading authorities in my industry and the things that I wanted to accomplish. I’m now totally positive about the future! So... I have to ask... what articles on Personal Development Planet do you like?
How to Master Your Mind.
I read this article every day! I love your
Law of Attraction Articles
too. I read them every day as well and put them into practice. All of your articles are powerful and activating. When I read them, I get motivated and I began to implement what I learn. For example, a few days ago I attended an event and I decided to take control of my thoughts. I said, “when I leave this meeting I will have new real estate clients that will be ready to close on real estate deals”. I meditated on your article for about three days to get my dominant thoughts to override any negativity. When I left the meeting on July 14, I left with three clients!! At the time of this writing I have one under contract and confirmed meetings with the other two. Within forty eight hours, I am meeting with another client from the client that I have under contract. He called me at 12 noon and we met exactly two hours later for consultation. Also, the mediatation first thing in the morning has yielded amazing results. I am able to command my day and really create the live that I truly want. I love this entire process, it's amazing to me. What a story! Latisha is an amazing woman – and this should show you that with focus, belief and clear goals, you can achieve something similar. Latisha – well done – you deservedly have the crown of Swagger of the Month! Keep up the amazing work!!!