Personal Development Planet'sFree Articles
Here is a list of all the articles currently posted on Personal Development Planet. I'm sure if you have a quick browse you'll find something that can help you with where you are today. Feel free to print, save for later or send to your friends. Please do bookmark my site and keep checking back, and thanks for all of your support! Personal Development Planet's *NEW* Blog
Yep, that's right - I now have a blog! This is where you can find all of my newest articles (so you don't have to search around!) Also, the blog allows me to go into a bit more detail than my introductory articles, so if you've been focussing on personal development for a while this has got to be for you! Just remember to subscribe!! Introductory Articles
These articles are designed to give you a flavour of what Personal Development Planet is all about. If you're new to personal growth, or you want to recap the basics, start here. Goal Setting Articles
We all know we're meant to set goals, but the whole process tends to be a little... dry. Never fear - I've written some fun articles that help to make the goal setting process exhilarating and even life-changing, so if you're currently trying to figure out which direction to take your life, this is a good place to look. Visualisation Articles
I can't get enough of visualisation. Somehow, whatever I visualise tends to come true. Find out how to visualise, and understand some of the explanations for it with this series of articles. Highly recommended! Belief Articles
I fully believe that our beliefs shape our reality i.e. you get whatever you believe you can. To take advantage of this crazy system, you obviously have to change your beliefs. These articles show you how to do this... Spirituality Articles
It's a bit unusual for a 25 year old London boy to take up a profound interest in spirituality; however since I started to look for answers to life's biggest questions, my levels of happiness and inner peace have dramatically improved. I expect if you take a walk down the spiritual path, you will feel the same. Start your journey here with my tongue-in-cheek guide to spirituality. Meditation Articles
Learning how to meditate has made me a calmer, relaxed and more thoughtful person. It's bloody fun to do to! Learn more about meditating here, and about Binaural Beats - which enable you to meditate deeply without any skill or practice at all! Lucid Dreaming Articles
Lucid Dreaming is the ability to "wake up" in your dreams, realise you are dreaming, and then create any dreams you like! Needless to say, this is both a fun and powerful experience. Learn how to have lucid dreams tonight by reading this guest article from an absolute pro! Law of Attraction Articles
Few topics polarise opinion in personal development circles as much as the Law of Attraction. Does it really work? Can you really think your way to a better life? Find out about my experiences here. NLP Articles
NLP consists of some powerful techniques that can bring about near-instant change in a person. I'm a qualified practitioner of NLP, and in my NLP articles I share the most effective exercises in an easy-to-understand manner... so you can get NLP-ing today! Money Articles
We all have a desire for more security in our lives, and attracting an abundance of money is key to this. In this series of articles I delve into the psychology of earning money, and realise that most rich people tend to think about cash in the same way. Surprisingly, since I adopted these thoughts and beliefs, I've more than doubled my income whilst working half the time... crazy but true... Find out how you can attract more money with these articles. Productivity Articles
We all know we need to be more productive. What we don't often know is how to go about it. In this series of articles, I explore how everyone can be more productive in their day to day lives - and share some techniques that helped me change from a life of procrastination to a life of motivation! Guest Articles
Breaking news: I don't have all the answers. Luckily, some of my friends from around the globe do. If I find a writer who is an expert in the field of personal development, I ask them to write an exclusive article for you - the wonderful fans of Personal Development Planet. Check out these rising stars today. Contact Me Directly
Every day I receive emails from readers around the world. Some are "thank you" notes, some contain criticism and debate, some ask detailed questions, and some provide updates on success that my readers have had with personal development. Regardless of content, I love hearing from you. If you care to spare a couple of minutes to share your thoughts, click the link below - I'd be bloody chuffed. Personal Development Planet Home
Ah, you probably know what a homepage is. This link takes you to the front page, in case you want to pop back there.