What is the NLP Secret?Can I Use NLP Without Being An Expert?
A lot of people have also heard that NLP is a powerful discipline with the potential to make significant changes in your life. The problem is, NLP is quite dry and technical and can be quite difficult to understand. If you have spent time looking on the net for an easy-to-understand analysis of NLP and the NLP Secrets, you have probably been disappointed. The good news is that NLP can be used by ALL kinds of people, in ALL kinds of circumstances. Whether you want to feel happier or more motivated or change a limiting belief, NLP can hook you up. My aim is to show you how! I'm a Certified Practitioner of NLP, and I have helped teach an NLP Practitioner course too. I'm taking my Master Practitioner April - August 2010, with some of the best trainers in the world. I'll be an NLP trainer within a year. Here's a list of all my NLP articles - and if you keep scolling down you'll find an introductory article which will give you an idea of the NLP Secret. Back to the NLP Secret / Intro.......
Neuro simply refers to the fact that all our behaviour stems from our neurological processes – i.e. what we see, feel, hear and touch.
Linguistic is because we use language to order our thoughts and behaviour. We use language to communicate with others. We also use “non-spoken” language to communicate – i.e. body language and posture.
Programming references the fact we can enter new programs into our brain – i.e. new ways of thinking or acting, new habits and new beliefs. If you are capable of learning a new skill, you can succeed with NLP. Note to sceptics – if you can tie your shoelaces, you can learn new skills.
Not too complex, ay? There’s another NLP secret for you – behind all the elaborate names are some really simple ideas.
In this case, the secret behind the NLP name is just that you use your brain and your senses to see what’s going on (neuro); you adjust your methods of talking and communicating to get better results (linguistic); and you change the way you think and act to achieve your goals (programming).
Well, everybody seems to have their own definition as to what the NLP Secret is.
O’Connor and Seymour, in their brilliantly digestible Introducing NLP, define NLP as "the art and science of personal development".
Andreas and Faulkner, in the engaging NLP: New Technology of Achievement, prefer a broader definition. To them, NLP is "the study of human excellence". I prefer a definition which is slightly more descriptive: "NLP provides the ability to overcome the most complicated mental states with the simplest techniques".
Well, I hope that cleared that one up!! I guess the best way to put it is that NLP gives you specific tools you can use to re-program your brain and gear it for success.
There’s another NLP secret – NLP is incredibly broad in its application. This is not a bad thing – you can use NLP to improve most areas of your life.
Practicing NLP and the NLP Secrets has many benefits, which we’ll explore in greater detail in the following articles. For now, a summary of the key benefits will suffice, which should be more than enough to get you excited about the prospect of learning more.
NLP teaches you to:
Communicate more effectively. NLP shows you how to communicate with people in a language that resonates with them... which in turn allows you to create better rapport and achieve the outcomes that you want! NLP also helps you to understand what people really mean when they communicate with you. This lets you become more effective in relationships and business – and can even help you to understand the opposite sex more... which alone should entice you to read on!
Get motivated. NLP has a number of tricks and tools which help you to get more motivated. You play around a bit with your emotions and memories, which with practice allows you to choose your state of mind more effectively. If you’ve had problems staying focussed in the past, read on, as there are some really simple ways to beat the system a bit here!
Think positively. Nope, not in the superficial “everything will be fine if I just think positive” way – but by making a deeper, profound and lasting change to your belief systems. This is a BIG NLP Secret - because if you change your beliefs, you change your results.
This is an essential goal on your personal development journey – because as soon as you start to really see the NLP Secret that life is a fun series of challenges and puzzles, rather than a never-ending procession of problems and issues, things start to fall into place and life becomes...dare I say it... fun!
Change your behaviour. This is the P part of NLP. There are some really cool ways of integrating new ways of thinking and behaving into your sub-conscious – and if you try out some of the following exercises, you will see some rather mesmerising results. You can become more confident, procrastinate less, transform into a compelling public speaker, and see yourself as someone who deserves lots more cash – in fact, as with a lot of the content on this site, you are only really limited by your imagination.
That’s a basic summary of the benefits of NLP / NLP Secret for you. Another NLP secret – you can make some truly incredible changes to your life much quicker than by using willpower alone. This is good news, as changes made by willpower alone tend to fail.
Now, if you enjoyed reading about NLP and are curious about the NLP Secret, join my newsletter list for the latest developments in NLP!
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