NLP Practitioner Course
with Tom Mackay

Day 5 - Notes

Day Five of Tom Mackay's NLP Practitioner course was a fun, hands-on day of anchoring.

I've got notes and detailed instructions on setting resource anchors and collapsing anchors. This is powerful, fun and easy stuff to do - and will compliment my existing articles on Anchoring and Collapsing Anchors.

Here's my notes:


Anchoring can help you to get into a resourceful state, on demand.

A lot of people feel that they have no (or very limited) control over their emotions. We know through studying NLP is that we DO have control / influence over our emotions. Anchoring can really help us to access resourceful states on demand.

Anchoring is one of the most scientifically provable elements of NLP – see Pavlov and his salivating dogs and other behavioural psychology experiments!

Intense emotional state – anchor at the peak – creates a neurological connection between the stimulus and the emotion.

Today we are doing kinaesthetic anchors – i.e. linking an emotion to a specific touch.

Steps to Anchoring


Recall – need to get somebody into the state - “remember a time you felt totally X” - “can you remember a SPECIFIC time?” - need to be fully associated and absorbed in the memory - “allow these feelings to grow stronger with every breath” -

Anchor – either with a touch, a sound, a visual stimulus, a smell... you can anchor in any modality.

Change – this is so you can test the anchor – break state – ask a random question

Evoke – fire off the anchor, and see if the person goes into state.

Keys to Anchoring


Intensity – you want to anchor INTENSE states – and you need RAPPORT to do this effectively – put yourself in this state too as it's contagious – tell a joke, make them smile, do whatever you need to do to get the person in an intense state. The stronger the state, the better the anchor will be.

Timing – a state is like a wave – you need to anchor at the PEAK of the state – so it is at it's most intense state – so you need to calibrate the physiology first – start the anchor at the beginning of the state and then let go AT THE PEAK! This makes it MUCH more powerful. You have to have good sensory acuity to sense whether the person is ready for the anchor. Hold the anchor for (on average) 5-15 seconds.

Uniqueness – anchors need to be UNIQUE – i.e. anchoring someone with a handshake will not work. It has to be something slightly different to what you are used to! Good examples include rubbing a thumb and fore finger, touching the knuckle, rubbing an earlobe. BUT it has to be readily available to you – i.e. not touching yourself anywhere inappropriate!

Replicability – you need to be able to replicate the anchor as you created it. You need to be specific and EXACT where you touch the stimulus / trigger. Touch with firmness (quite firm pressure) – i.e. on the finger nail on the forefinger, not just “on the hand somewhere”.

Number of times – the more you do the anchoring, the more powerful it gets. This is stacking anchors!

Collapsing Anchors

This involves dissolving the link between a trigger and an unresourceful state. So if you have a negative association with a trigger, you can get rid of it!

An unresourceful state has a negative charge. A resourceful state has a positive charge.

If you use a positive state of the SAME intensity as a negative state, they will cancel each other out.

If you use a positive state of a HIGHER intensity than the negative state, you will be left with a positive feeling.

To do this, you need to find an emotion that is set off by a SPECIFIC trigger.

Then, find an emotion that is STRONGER than the negative state.

For example, if you rate your nervousness as a 6/10, and you anchor a state of confidence that is an 8/10, you'll be left with a positive state of 2/10 that is triggered... Simple!

Tip – anchor the positive and negative states on separate sides of the body.

Your body CANNOT access both positive and negative states AT THE SAME TIME. So this works by cancelling them out!

Tip – a good state to swap for fear is laughter!

A quick side-note! RRROEE – this is useful to keep check of whenever you work with a client

Resources in self – need to be in a resourceful state
Resources in other – you need to help the client get in a resourceful state
Rapport – put yourself in the state, and the client will tend to follow
Outcome – make sure you have a clear outcome in mind
Ecology – are there any consequences of making the change?
Ethics – cultural distinction – be aware of any cultural differences and respect them

How to Collapse Anchors

1)Tell the client what you're going to do – i.e. “we are going to do some anchoring, and I'm going to have to touch you here. Is that ok?” Check for ecology - “is it ok to let go of this unresourceful state?”

2)What is the negative state to be collapsed, and the resource state wanted? (Make sure the positive state is STRONGER than the negative state)

3)Anchor the positive resource. Break state. Test. Break state. (If it's not strong enough, stack the anchor more with new memories or repeat the same memory again)

4)Anchor the negative state. Use a different side of the body to the positive anchor. Break state. Test. Break state. DO NOT STACK IT OR INTENSIFY THIS ANCHOR!!

5)Fire the anchors off together at the same time. Hold both anchors until the negative state is collapsed – use sensory acuity to tell when the person has been through both the states and the state “evens out” - watch out for a deep breath from the client! (If in doubt, HOLD IT FOR LONGER!) It may help to take off the negative anchor BEFORE you release the positive anchor (just in case it hasn't worked)

6)Break state. Test - “think of that trigger now – how do you feel different?” If the client feels indifferent or better, it has been a success!

7)Future pace - “think of a time in the future when you will encounter this situation. How do you feel different? What has changed?”

Secrets and Facts about the subconscious mind:

1)stores memories

2)makes associations

3)organises memories (i.e. by a timeline)

4)represses unresolved negative memories

5)presents repressed memories for resolution

6)runs the body i.e. you don't have to think to breathe!

7)preserves the body

8)is the domain of the emotions

9)is a highly moral being (the morality you were taught and accepted)

10) enjoys serving and NEEDS CLEAR ORDERS to follow

11) controls and maintains all perceptions

12) generates, stores, transmits and transfers energy

13) needs REPETITION until a HABIT is installed

14) continuously seeks more and more

15) is symbolic i.e. look at your dreams!

16) takes everything personally i.e. your thoughts about other people are often put back on you! “people are such wankers!” “well, you're a person too, aren't you” perception is projection!

17) works on the principle of least effort – the fastest way to get there will do

18) does not process negatives directly

Wow - another awesome day today. I love learning and coaching NLP - and anchoring is one of the fastest ways to get MASSIVE results. If you're based in the UK and are thinking about doing the NLP Practitioner, I can arrange a discount with Tom Mackay (who provides great value already!) Contact me for details, or I'll post the offer soon!

NLP Practitioner Notes - Day One

NLP Practitioner Notes - Day Two

NLP Practitioner Notes - Day Three

NLP Practitioner Notes - Day Four

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